1. . Hacettepe University Faculty of Law Review (HUFLJ) is a national and refereed journal published biannually in June and December.

2. Papers submitted to the Journal shall neither have been published nor currently be under evaluation for publishing elsewhere.

3. The Journal is published in Turkish; however, papers submitted in other languages of academic value are also published.

4. Turkish and English titles of the papers submitted to the Journal, together with Turkish and English abstracts consisting of at least 100 and at most 300 words and five key words in each language shall be attached to the beginning of the paper.

5. The body of the paper shall have 12 font size while other parts like footnotes, abstracts and tables shall use 10 font size, together with 1,5 line spacing and "Times New Roman" or any equivalent font. 

6. At the end of the paper there shall be a bibliography, arranged in alphabetical order according to the surname of the writer. Only such sources that are cited in the paper shall be listed in the bibliography. Citations in the paper shall be made in the "footnotes" at the end of each page. The format of the first footnote and bibliography entry of each source shall be the same. For consistency purposes, following examples shall be used.

For books:
ÖKTEN, Kaan H., Heidegger Kitabı, 2. Edition, Agora Books, İstanbul, 2006.
For following footnotes of the same work,
ÖKTEN, 2006, p. 58.

For translated books:
GIDDENS, Anthony, Modernliğin Sonuçları, (tra. E. Kuşdil), 2. Edition, Ayrıntı Publishing, İstanbul, 1998.
For following footnotes of the same work,
GIDDENS, 1998, p. 22.

For books with two authors:
ÖKTEM, Niyazi / TÜRKBAĞ, Ahmet Ulvi, Felsefe, Sosyoloji, Hukuk ve Devlet, 4. Edition, Der Publishing, İstanbul, 2009.
For following footnotes of the same work,
ÖKTEM / TÜRKBAĞ, 2009, p. 23.

For books with three or more authors,
KOÇAK, Cemil / ÖZDEMİR, Hikmet / BORATAV, Korkut, adr., Türkiye Tarihi 4 Çağdaş Türkiye 1908-1980, 10. Edition, Cem Publishing, İstanbul 2008.
For following footnotes of the same work,
KOÇAK / ÖZDEMİR / BORATAV etc., 2008, p. 166.

For post graduate and/or doctorate theses:
TEMİZ, Özgür, Basın Özgürlüğünün Sınırlanmasında İlke Sorunu, Unpublished Post Graduate Thesis, Ankara, Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, 2007.
For following footnotes of the same work,
TEMİZ, 2007, p. 44.

For corporate publishings:
Turkish Industry & Business Association (TÜSİAD), Yargılama Düzeninde Kalite, İstanbul, 1998.
For following footnotes of the same work,
TÜSİAD, 1998, s. 56.

For papers:
KONURALP, Haluk "Fransız Hukukunda Kanun Yolları Arasında İstinafın Yeri", Ankara Law Review, Year: 2001, Volume: 50, Number: 1, (pp. 25 - 40).

For following footnotes of the same work,
KONURALP, 2001, p. 35.

For papers in a collected work or remembrance:
ERGİL, Doğu, "Demokratik ve Katılımcı Yönetimin Önkoşulu Olarak İfade Özgürlüğü", Türkiye'de İfade Özgürlüğü, (Ed. T. Koçak), 1. Edition, Bgst Publishing, İstanbul, 2009, (pp. 13-19).
For following footnotes of the same work,
ERGİL, 2009, p. 100.

For speeches in a conference:
KUÇURADİ, İoanna, "Norm Oluşturma ve Norm Koyma Sorunları", Ankara Hukuk Toplantıları – Norm Koyma ve Hüküm Verme (17 – 18 April 2009), Ankara Üniversitesi Publishing, Ankara, 2011, (pp. 13 – 19).
 For following footnotes of the same work,
KUÇURADİ, 2009, p. 15.

For web pages:
BAKER, Ulus, Spinoza Kitabı: Ethica’nın Sırrıhttp://korotonomedya.net/kor/index.php?id=21,182,0,0,1,0 (Access date 28.10.2010)
For following footnotes of the same work,
BAKER, (Spinoza Kitabı)

If more than one work of the same writer/writers, published in the same year are to be citated, letters like "a", "b", "c" can be added alongside publishing year to mark the difference. This shall also be shown in the bibliography. In the cases of citating the same writer/writers and/or their same work, abbrevations like "age" or "ibid" can also be used.

7. "Table of Contents" shall be added to preambles of Papers submitted. 

8. Papers submitted to the Journal in a CD and saved in "*.rtf", “*.doc” or “*.docx” formats together with three hard copies in A4 size, two of which absenting the writers name, would be of convenience. However, submissions e-mailed to hukukdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr shall also be considered.    

9. Writers' full name, title, professional affiliation and contact information (address, phone number and e-mail) shall also be mentioned in the submissions.

10. It is considered that writers submit their papers “ready as such” for print. Papers not complying with scientific criteria and/or not in compliance with usual editing rules can be declined by the Editorial Board without sending to the referee. 

11. First evaluation of the papers submitted to the Journal shall be performed by the Editorial Board with a decision by simple majority and the result of the meeting shall be noted in a report . Members of the Editorial Board shall not participate the evaluation of the works which they have submitted. Papers approved through the first evaluation shall be sent to a referee with the name/s of the writer/s extracted from the text according to the anonymous peer review principle. No information shall be given to the writer regarding the referee’s identity. According to the referee’s report; demanding corrections from the author, publishing or rejection of the paper shall be decided. Whether or not papers will be published -and if this is the case, in which issue- shall ultimately be subject to the discretion of the Editorial Board. The author/s shall be informed of all these stages via e-mail.

12. Other than refereed papers, such other works as case annotations, legislation evaluations and book reviews may also be published in the Journal, upon decision by the Editorial Board.

13. . All rights of publications, including publishing as full text in any electronically environment or re-publishing, of the papers published, belong to the Hacettepe University. It is concluded that writers transfer all copyrights entitled regarding the submitted papers to the University. No royalties shall be paid to the writers. 

14. The Journal shall be open to free access in the Journal’s website and sent to university libraries gratis on demand. Authors and referees in the respective edition shall also receive free copies.